HPP Management Consultants GmbH






  • Thorough discussion of the client´s area of business, activities, strategy, organisational structure and most important aspects relating to the basic underlying conditions.
  • Based on this analysis, a detailed position profile is drawn up defining the required professional and personal qualifications.
  • Recommendations are submitted on the most suitable course of action for the particular search, and client´s approval is obtained.


Search Process

  • The search process to be followed to fill a specific vacancy will be recommended based on the analysis of task, required qualifications, and organizational environment of this position.
  • Only a targed, selective and discreet search will produce a result that meets the justifiably high expectations of the client and, at the same time, satisfies the terms ans aspirations of the potential candidate.


Direct Contact

  • In close liaison with the client, a systematic research is carried out in the respective industries and preparations are made for direct approach.
  • Discreet contact is set up with potential candidates to sound out the level of interest and check the key criteria and requirements of the position profile.


Print and Online Advertising

  • Preparation and placement of an advertisement in print and online media - national, international, or in regional, specialist or trade media.
  • Announcement on HPP website.
  • Establishing candidates through social media.
  • Interested candidates are provided with preliminary information by phnone.
  • applications received are screened and evaluated thoroughly.



  • Confidential meeting with qualified candidates to exchange more detailed information.
  • Decision on mutual basis regarding the subsequent course of action.


Reporting and Presentation

  • Repoting back to the client about the candidates on the short list.
  • After obtaining permission from each of the candidates, the client is informed of teir names and supplied with a written report.
  • The approved candidates are introduced to the client.


Follow Up

  • Full assistance is given during the subsequent talks and negations until the contract is signed.
  • Personal references are obtained with agreement of the candidates.
  • Close contact is maintained with the client and his new employee to ensure that the cooperation is proceeding well and that integration has been successful.